Within the framework of the SPIEF a session “Technopolis Moscow. The way to an innovative economy is through modern infrastructure” was held

15 June, 2023

The XXVI St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) is an annual economic conference in Russia with the participation of leading economists, company representatives, state leaders, ministers, financiers and scientists.

A session was held within the framework of the SPIEF “Technopolis Moscow. The way to an innovative economy is through modern infrastructure”.

The session was attended by:

  • Vladislav Ovchinsky, head of the Department of Investment and Industrial Policy of the City of Moscow, 
  • Artyom Dedkov, first deputy director, chief architect of the State Administration of Public Works, 
  • Andrei Chernihov, head of the Architecture and Design Studio of Andrei Chernihov, professor at the International Academy of Architecture (IAA), 
  • Gennady Dögtev, CEO of the Moscow Technopolis Kirill Kaim, senior vice president of innovation at the Skolkovo Foundation, 
  • Lyudmila Shcherbakov, founder of Brightway Group,

Moderator of the Agency of the Strategic Development CENTER Sergey Georgiyevsky.

During the session, the guests discussed the potential of innovative development of the unique special economic zone "Technopolis Moscow", which demonstrates the full spectrum of modern possibilities, influences the sustainability of the city.

There are a number of programs in Moscow that promote large-scale investment projects. For example, the Moscow Programme for the Complex Development of Former Industrial Zones, in which multifunctional social and business and logistics centers are created. Measures are also being taken to support Moscow's industry in the construction of production and socially significant facilities.

The SEZ "Technopolis Moscow" acts as a driver of the development of the city's economy, changing the industrial and infrasructure appearance.

Moscow is setting trends, and new technologies are emerging related to robotics, biotechnology, innovation. Despite the turbulent conditions, the capital's industry is rapidly adapting to new circumstances and continues to develop actively.

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