XIV Russian National Award for Landscape Architecture "ALAROS"

21 November, 2023

On November 20, the grand opening of the XIV Russian National Award for Landscape Architecture "ALAROS" took place in the Central House of the Architect.

At the opening ceremony, the guests of the Festival were welcomed by Taisiya Iosifovna Wolftrub, President of the Association of Landscape Architects of Russia.

The event was attended by:

  • Elena Lupina, Director of the Gorky Central Park of Culture and Recreation;
  • Evgenia Murinets, architect, advisor to the Governor of the Astrakhan region, advisor to the Governor of the Ulyanovsk region, member of the Expert Council of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation on the formation of a comfortable urban environment, teacher of the master's degree of the IGSU RANEPA;
  • Anton Finogenov, Director of Urban Environment Development DOM.RF;
  • Nikolay Shumakov, President of the Union of Architects of Russia;
  • Alexey Reteyum, Chairman of the Board of the Association of Parks of Russia.

The partner of the Award is the Strategic Development Agency "CENTER". Sergey Georgievsky, co-founder of the CENTER Agency, moderated the opening ceremony.

On November 21, within the framework of the annual ALAROS National Award, a Round Table was held: "The role of landscape architecture in sustainable urban development".

Experts discussed the role of volumetric and spatial organization of the territory in sustainable urban development.

The meeting was moderated by Sergey Georgievsky, co-founder of the Agency for Strategic Development “CENTER” , and Olga Gritsan, Head of the Analytical Department.

The program of the Round Table was determined by two sessions of "methodical" and "practical".

During the first session of the Round Table, in their reports, the speakers touched upon the principles of organizing recreational hiking routes, issues of eco-building and other relevant topics.

Then the practical part of the session took place. The participants discussed the problem of the lack of natural components in modern urban architecture, and also analyzed the challenges that the powerful development and expansion of the territory of cities brings with it.

Within a few days, the Jury will consider more than 140 works that were submitted by landscape architects, designers, architects, engineers, executive authorities, public associations, commercial and non-profit organizations.

The winners will be announced at the award ceremony on November 24.

Photo: Dmitry Sushko

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