3rd International Urban Forum “Dagestan: New Development Scenarios”

28 October – 29 October 2021
Makhachkala, Dagestan

On October 28 and 29, the city of Makhachkala in the Republic of Dagestan, Russia hosted the 3rd International Urban Forum “Dagestan: New Development Scenarios” at the “Russia, My History” Historical Park.

The organizers were the Government of the Republic of Dagestan, the Committee for Architecture and Urban Planning of the Republic of Dagestan. The special partner was International Exhibition of Architecture and Design ARCH MOSCOW. The intellectual partner was the Russian-French School of Heritage Preservation and Revalorization RE-School. Partners were Vysokovsky Graduate School of Urbanism and the Higher School of Economics. The Forum’s Operator and Program Directorate was the Agency for Strategic Development CENTER.

The forum was dedicated to integrated development of territories, modern design, and tools to create and develop a comfortable and modern urban environment.

The experts focus on:

  • Strategic priorities of development of cities and territories;
  • Spatial and socio-cultural changes;
  • Achievements and new horizons;
  • Architectural and urban policy in the rethinking of cultural and historical heritage;
  • Architectural and cultural heritage of territories as a tool for building a new identity;
  • Basic principles of the integrated development of urban areas;
  • Key directions and measures for the formation of high-quality residential and multifunctional buildings in Russian cities;
  • Implementation of new digital approaches to the integrated development of territories.

Forum Topics:

  1. Modern public spaces are new symbols and points of attraction in cities and regions.
  2. New approaches to integrated development of territories: “smart” space for life and work.
  3. From results to new challenges and development goals. What to bet on?
  4. Evolution of standards and regulations. The logic and context of the practice of applying the regulatory framework in urban planning.
  5. Models and institutions of agglomeration development as the basis for balanced development of territories.
  6. The territory of childhood: schools, kindergartens and playgrounds as constructors of happiness.
  7. Dagestan. Responding to human requests.


  • Real cases of changing the urban environment;
  • Russian and foreign practices of working with architectural transformations;
  • Features of architectural and management solutions of the Republic of Dagestan;
  • Assessment of the prospects for the use of effective cases, taking into account regional factors.

Nezir GuseynovChairman of the Committee for Architecture and Urban Planning of the Republic of Dagestan

Public spaces now include many functions, from education to entertainment. They must meet the needs of the population they are created for. It is important to design public spaces so that they can show the values of our cities and the republic as a whole. Today, we will talk about the main world trends in formation of public spaces, strategic priorities and principles of integrated territorial development, and much more. And, above all, we are interested in practical tools for the improvement of public spaces.

Khizri AbakarovDeputy of the Russian State Duma

As mayor of the city of Derbent, I worked in conjunction with the head of the Department of Architecture of Dagestan. We were creating public spaces in a new format, and at that time I didn’t expect that they would have such a strong positive effect. We invited to Derbent architect Isa Magomedov, who was then working at the Department of Architecture of Makhachkala City Administration. He realizes many projects, all of them quite successful, and now Derbent is very popular among tourists. It is difficult to overestimate the work of architects and urban planners, I hope all your plans will be realized.

Forum audience

Representatives of architectural, development, consulting, management companies, specialized departments and agencies, public organizations, students of specialized universities, the media.

Geography of the Forum participants

Republic of Dagestan, Moscow, other regions of the Russian Federation, Austria, Great Britain, Serbia.

Evgenia MikhaylidiDirector of the International Exhibition of Architecture and Design ARCH MOSCOW

I am very happy that this year, the ARCH Moscow exhibition has become a special partner of the Forum for the first time. I am glad that our cooperation will continue. The city of Derbent will be the guest of honor at the 27th International Exhibition of Architecture and Design ARCH Moscow. Moreover, there will be a separate exhibition devoted to the Republic of Dagestan. From June 8 to June 11, 2022, there will be a large business program at Gostiny Dvor over four days.

Program of the III International Urban Forum "Dagestan: New Development Scenarios"


  • Manvel MazhontsManvel MazhontsDeputy Chairman of the Government of the Republic of Dagestan
  • Armin DaneshgarArmin DaneshgarArchitect, professor and director of the Architecture Program at the Vienna University of Technology, urbanist
  • Gay EamesGay EamesCo-founder of the Green Building Council RuGBC
  • Ljubisa FolicLjubisa FolicProfessor of Architecture at the University of Belgrade, urbanist
  • Maxim GalMaxim GalDeputy Director of the Department for Integrated Development of Territories of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Utilities of the Russian Federation
  • Nezir GuseynovNezir GuseynovChairman of the Committee for Architecture and Urban Planning of the Republic of Dagestan
  • Tatiana GuzdTatiana GuzdPh.D., Leading Researcher, Faculty of Urban and Regional Development, National Research University HSE
  • Amir IdiatulinAmir IdiatulinFounder and CEO of IND Architects
  • Tatiana KaravaevaTatiana KaravaevaVice President, Head of the Spatial Development Department of the Center for Strategic Research
  • Daria Kovalenko Daria Kovalenko Project manager of ATLAS company
  • Vladislav Kunin Vladislav Kunin Architectural and Urban Planning Laboratory "AFFlab", Member of the Expert Council on a Comfortable Urban Environment under the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Utilities of Russia
  • Ivan Kuryachiy Ivan Kuryachiy Managing Partner of the Novaya Zemlya Group of Companies,
  • Nikolay Lyzlov Nikolay Lyzlov Founder of the "Lyzlov Architectural Workshop", Vice-President of the Union of Moscow Architects and Professor of Moscow Architectural Institute
  • Isa Magomedov Isa Magomedov Head of the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning of the Urban District "city of Derbent", Chief Architect of the city of Derbent
  • Evgenia MikhaylidiEvgenia MikhaylidiDirector of the International Exhibition of Architecture and Design ARCH MOSCOW
  • Evgeniya Murinets Evgeniya Murinets Member of the Expert Council on the Formation of a Comfortable Urban Environment of the Ministry of Construction of Russia, Advisor to the Governor of the Astrakhan Region, Director of the Urban Policy Institute
  • Sergey Nadtochy Sergey Nadtochy Partner of the architectural bureau "Atrium"
  • Dmitry Narinsky Dmitry Narinsky Professor of the Graduate School of Urbanism named after A.A. Vysokovsky National Research University HSE
  • Marina Rakova Marina Rakova Minister of Urban Planning and Development of Agglomerations of the Nizhny Novgorod Region
  • Dina Sattarova Dina Sattarova Director of Gradplan of the city of Moscow
  • Elena Strugovets Elena Strugovets Chief Architect of the APEX design bureau
  • Narine Tyutcheva Narine Tyutcheva Chief Architect of the Fund for the Preservation and Development of the Solovetsky Archipelago, Founder of the Rozhdestvenka Architectural Bureau (RDNK), Head of the Center for Scientific Research and Education "Re-School"
  • Anton FinogenovAnton FinogenovDeputy General Director of the DOM.RF Foundation
  • Kamil TsuntaevKamil TsuntaevFounder of the architectural bureau "Studio Kamil Tsuntaev"
  • Ali ShakhbanovAli ShakhbanovChairman of the Council of the Association SRO "Guild of Builders of the North Caucasus Federal District"
  • Yulia ShishalovaYulia ShishalovaEditor-in-chief of Project Russia magazine
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