Open Competition for Development of Corporate Style and Key Elements of Identify for Sokolniki Park

19 May – 30 July 2015


To create the new brand style for the park, helping to create a positive image and boost competitiveness of the park via the modern communications strategy.

The new brand style of Moscow's largest culture and recreation park will need to reflect the park's history and be based on the park development concept "Sokolniki: The Embassy of Nature", setting forth the future course for the next 15 years.


Within the framework of the Competition the Business Program on the Dachas Sokolniki Festival was held.

Competition Panel

  • Andrey LogivnAndrey LogivnPanel Chairman, Director LOGVINDESIGN Advertising Group, Laureate of State Award of the Russian Federation
  • Marina LyulchukMarina LyulchukDirector of Mosgorpark Unified Directorship
  • Andrey LapshinAndrey LapshinDirector of Sokolniki Culture and Recreation Park
  • Svetlna MaksimchenkoSvetlna MaksimchenkoDeputy Director of Unified Directorship of Mosgorpark
  • Alexey AmetovAlexey AmetovPublisher and Co-Founders of Look At Media
  • Dmitry BarbaneDmitry BarbaneDirector of Masterskaya Project Group
  • Ivan Bubnov-PetrosyanIvan Bubnov-PetrosyanMosgorpark Designer
  • Yury GulitovYury GulitovMember of Russia's Designers Union, Painter and Calligraphy Specialist, co-founder of Gulitov Design Studio
  • Dmitry DevishviliDmitry Devishvili Art Director of Forbes Russia Magazine, Docent of Communications Design Department of Stroganov Moscow State University of Arts and Industry
  • Dmitry KarpovDmitry KarpovProfessor of Graphic Design & Illustration of British Higher School of Art and Design
  • Dmitry LikinDmitry LikinPartner of Wowhaus Architectural Bureau, Chief Painter for the First Channel
  • Pavel MorozovPavel Morozovco-founder for LinkWest Group Company, Director for Marketing and Communications Line
  • Sergey NikitinSergey NikitinMoscow's Historian, Director for International Project Velonoch, active member of the Russian Geographical Society
  • Ilya RudermanIlya RudermanFonts and Graphics Designer, co-founder of Moscow Design Studio and CustomFonts, curator for training course "Fonts and Typography" of British Higher School of Art and Design
  • Tagir SafaevTagir Safaevauthor of over 200 compilation and display fonts. Member of Moscow Artists Union. Director of own creative workshop in Higher Academic School for Graphics Design
  • Mikhail SmetanaMikhail SmetanaDirector of Design Department of Tsentsiper company
  • Andrey StasAndrey StasManaging partner of Stas Marketing Partners company, Director of тon-state educational establishment Institute for Territory Marketing and Branding
  • Boris TrofimovBoris TrofimovAcademician with Graphic Design. Academy Director of his own school, Masterskaya Borisa Timofeeva (Workshop of Boris Trofimov), B&D Institute. Area of interest: book and poster design.
  • Alexander VasinAlexander VasinMember of Moscow Painters Union, Member of TsEH Illustrators Partnership, Director of Typomania Festival, Director of Own Design Course T_24 and Children Design School Shum (Noise), Professor of Moscow State University of Printing Arts
  • Viktor MelamedViktor MelamedIllustrator, Professor of British Higher School of Art and Design
  • Maxim NikanorovMaxim NikanorovArt Director of Esquire magazine (Russia)
  • Clara OlorizClara OlorizArchitect, Director of projects by Britain's Groundlab Bureau, Professor of Architectural Association (London), Development of Concept "Sokolniki: The Embassy of Nature"
  • Olga TsvetkovaOlga Tsvetkovamember of Deputies Council of Sokolniki Municipal District, member of Social Council of Sokolniki Part, Social Advisor for Krasnoselksy District Management Board, Director of Funday agency
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