The Agency for Strategic Development CENTER in strategic partnership with the Genplan Institute of Moscow developed a model of a new city in the Sakhalin Region. A project of creating a city from scratch is virtually unprecedented for the urban planning practice not only in modern Russia, but in the whole world. The future city is expected to provide additional momentum for the socio-economic development of the Sakhalin Region and the Far Eastern Federal District, increase the competitive advantage of the region’s economy, and contribute to strengthening a favorable investment climate.
The development architectural and urban planning concepts for a new town in Sakhalin Region has been initiated by the Sakhalin Region Development Corporation with the support of the Sakhalin Region government.
The territory is in the Korsakovsky Urban District of Sakhalin Region. It has an approximate area of 1,200 ha.
Development of architectural and urban planning concepts (master plans) for a new town in the Korsakovsky Urban District of Sakhalin Region with detailed elaboration of the functional planning decisions for the key objects and territories.
Stages of developing a concept and an integrated model for a new city:
Valery LimarenkoSakhalin Region Governor
It is important to us to create a new logistics-adjacent industry and develop the transport and logistics business. Coupled with a comfortable environment, that would make it so no one would want to leave the island – on the contrary, people from all over Russia would move there. That is what motivated the idea to build a new, modern, environmentally clean city with modern energy-saving technologies and unmanned transport near Korsakov.
Anticipated result
The development of an architectural and urban planning concept for a new city in the Sakhalin Region will help improve the socio-economic development of the Sakhalin Region and the Far Eastern Federal District, increase the competitiveness of the regional economy, its diversification, and create a favorable investment climate.
Consortium led by IND architects (Moscow, Russia)
The main value of the project is the fragile ecosystem of Sakhalin, where the delicate balance of geological, hydrological and meteorological processes provokes both awe and admiration. The creation of Ecopolis in these conditions is the perfect reason to reinvent urban design. Sakhalin’s topography and natural features, unique in their beauty and richness, as well as its favorable geopolitical position, make Sakhalin as a whole, and Ecopolis in particular, a very important point on the map of Russia and of the world.
The new city blends into the surrounding landscape, and its districts are mixed for better interaction and the constant circulation of urban communities. The urban structure is aimed at the establishment of a new type of relationship between buildings, nature and people, with each element qualitatively reinforcing the others. Our objective is the creation of synergy between innovative solutions at various scales.
Consortium led by Novaya Zemlya (Moscow, Russia).
The New Frontier is the project proposal from the Consortium headed by Novaya Zemlya. It is aimed at restoring Sakhalin’s lost status as a frontier by developing advanced technologies and creating good conditions for new residents to stay and develop. The new frontier of development in the 21st century is not about creating new cities, but about transforming existing ones.
The master plan is based on the model of a compact city in which existing infrastructure is used as efficiently as possible in the development of the new. The two city centers are connected by a single network of green corridors which form an ecological and bicycle-pedestrian framework for the territory. Sustainable solutions are being developed for the “ecological renovation” of the fabric of the city.
Consortium led by Wowhaus (Moscow, Russia).
The fundamental task of Ecopolis is to loop the flow of resources and to preserve a part of them within the island. One of the main drivers in the development of the territory will be modernization of the port. Ecopolis and the future port should grow and modernize together as a single agglomeration, which will ensure the sustainable development of the region. Ecopolis should be an example of a careful attitude towards nature and the competent use of its resources. Smart city and green technologies are the main principles of the development of the new city. Making a city dynamic requires heterogeneous urban spaces, a multicultural society, and diversity of social functions. We suggest the creation of three urban clusters, one for research and production, one for culture and education, and one for culture and business, each representing a unique urban typology, architecture and function.
Consortium led by Master's plan (Moscow, Russia).
A city of the future, a city of new technologies and opportunities, a city of green roofs, wind and sun — Ecopolis is all of this. The main planning axis of Chisty is the existing valley, with its deep lakes and lush forests, with hills on one side and a plateau on the other. This is the foundation for the new city. All the most significant objects will be located on the highest point of Ecopolis in Kholmy District. Residential development with the necessary infrastructure will be concentrated in Plateau District, where each block will have its own unique specialization. The valley will remain untouched by construction. It will connect all parts of the city as a huge park in the very center of Chisty. In aiming at carbon neutrality, we are talking about minimum emissions, about rational use, about recycling, about carbon sinks, about green energy, about safe construction and materials, and about human culture.
Consortium led by Sheredega Consulting (Moscow, Russia).
Novgorod-on-Tikhiy is a new, innovative city, an ecopolis that may arise on the coast of Aniva Bay on Sakhalin, near the town of Korsakov. The city’s mission is to be an outpost of Russian culture, an innovative laboratory for hydrogen energy, and an educational and transport hub. The planning structure is based on the principle of a flexible, adaptive structure that changes to suit any conditions. The city will be formed by six main frameworks: green, transport, cultural and educational, representative and ambassadorial, innovative and technological, and digital. An important mission of the new city will be the export of Russian culture to East Asia, which will be facilitated by the representative framework of the city, which includes an embassy quarter, a Russian courtyard, a Russian house, and a village. Novgorod-on-Tikhiy will be a pilot site for the implementation of projects in the areas of MariNet, EnergyNet, FoodNet, AutoNet, AeroNet and others. The technological framework of the city is being created for this. Novgorod-on-Tikhiy is an experimental site and an urban development laboratory that will bring benefits to every region of the Russian Federation.